The Do's & Don'ts of Kwik-Trenchers

Whether you are renting a Kwik-Trench earth saw, just bought one, or have owned one for years, there are some things to do or not do to get the most out of your Kwik-Trench earth saw. While the guidelines for basic operation are provided with and for, all equipment, we have a list of other precautionary tips to help you get the job done safely.


  • Do use the appropriate Kwik-Trencher for the job. Many options are available for choosing the right type of Kwik-Trencher, but choosing the right one comes down to the trench depth and width and soil type. For example, mini trenchers can cut up to 30 feet per minute and dig up to 12 inches deep.

  • Do plan the path you are trenching. You do not want to damage utility lines or run into obstacles like tree roots or rocky soil. Planning straight lines will make your project easier and save you time.

  • Do use a proper backfilling method. Kwik-Trenchers simplify backfilling by creating narrow trenches and depositing the soil on one side of the trench. This will cut backfilling time in half, and backfilling 4-6 inches at a time will prevent cupping as the soil settles.

  • Do stop if the machine isn't working properly. If the Kwik-Trencher is not working correctly, stop and troubleshoot immediately. Even for minor issues, it is better to be safe than risk machine damage or your safety. Some issues may be resolved easily, while others may be more crucial.


  • Don't forget to call 811. At least three days before you start your project, call this free service (available in the United States & Canada), which will send professionals out to your property to locate all underground utility lines you want to avoid. This is a crucial step to prevent damage and ensure your safety.

  • Don't forget to reach out if you have any questions about the operation of your Kwik-Trench earth saw. Or check out our Resources Hub for any additional information you may need.
Kwik Trencher

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